Example Configuration Where Port Forwarding Is Not an Option

An example where port forwarding is not an option. This is useful if, for example, you’re living in a dorm that does not allow it. This example does the following:

  nixarr = {
    enable = true;

    vpn = {
      enable = true;
      wgConf = "/data/.secret/wg.conf";

    jellyfin.enable = true;

    # Setup SSH service that runs through VPN.
    # Lets you connect through ssh from the internet without having access to
    # port forwarding
    openssh.expose.vpn.enable = true;

    transmission = {
      enable = true;
      vpn.enable = true;
      peerPort = 50000; # Set this to the port forwarded by your VPN

    bazarr.enable = true;
    sonarr.enable = true;
    radarr.enable = true;
    prowlarr.enable = true;
    readarr.enable = true;
    lidarr.enable = true;
    jellyseerr.enable = true;

  # The `openssh.vpn.enable` option does not enable openssh, so we do that here:
  # We disable password authentication as it's generally insecure.
  services.openssh = {
    enable = true;
    settings.PasswordAuthentication = false;
    # Get this port from your VPN provider
    ports = [ 34567 ]
  # Adds your public keys as trusted devices
  users.extraUsers.username.openssh.authorizedKeys.keyFiles = [

This example uses SSH tunneling to expose most of your services. See the expose wiki page for more info on how to safely access your services.

In this example, you don’t have access to any services without being on your home network or accessing them through localhost. If you have SSH setup you can use SSH tunneling. Simply run:

  ssh -N user@ip \
    -L 6001:localhost:9091 \
    -L 6002:localhost:9696 \
    -L 6003:localhost:8989 \
    -L 6004:localhost:7878 \
    -L 6005:localhost:8686 \
    -L 6006:localhost:8787 \
    -L 6007:localhost:6767 \
    -L 6008:localhost:8096

Replace user with your user and ip with the VPN ip. This lets you access the services on localhost:6001 through localhost:6008.