Opening Ports

In order to open a port through a VPN you need to open a port with your VPN-provider.

Note: Not all VPN-providers support this feature! Notably, Mullvad does not anymore!

Note: The port present in the nixarr.vpn.wgConf, should not be used for any options!


Go to the ports page at AirVPN’s website open a port. After opening it should look like this:

An open port on AirVPN, the port number that should be used in Nixarr is 12345.

Then you can set that port for a service, for example

  nixarr.transmission = {
    enable = true;
    vpn.enable = true;
    peerPort = 12345;

Debugging Ports

Note: See this GH issue first, since it’s a common problem

You can debug an open port using the nixarr.vpn.vpnTestService:

  nixarr.vpn.vpnTestService = {
    enable = true;
    port = 12345;

The service should be started automatically, to rerun it:

  systemctl restart vpn-test-service

If the DNS and IP checks out, it will open a netcat instance on the port specified in nixarr.vpn.vpnTestService.port. You can then run the following from any computer:

  nc <public VPN ip> <specified port>

Where the “public VPN ip” is the public IP of your VPN address, i.e. the one shown in the vpn-test-service logs as your ip:

  journalctl -xeu vpn-test-service

Which should look something like:

  ; <<>> DiG 9.18.27 <<>>
  Getting IP:
    "ip": "",
    "hostname": "---.--.---.--.-------.----",
    "city": "---------",
    "region": "---------",
    "country": "--",
    "loc": "00.0000,00.0000",
    "org": "----------------------",
    "postal": "------",
    "timezone": "----------------",
    "readme": "-----------------------------"
  DNS leak test:
  Your IP: [------, ----------------------]
  You use 3 DNS servers:
  ---.---.---.-- [------, -----------------------]
  ---.---.---.- [------, -----------------------]
  ---.---.---.- [------, -----------------------]
  DNS may be leaking.

Note: It says that my DNS may be leaking, but all my DNS-servers are from country B, while I’m located in country A. Take the conclusion with a grain of salt

Here, your “public VPN ip” would be “”.